Vancouver 2020

International Council on Shared Parenting Press Release

International Conference on Shared Parenting 2020

Prelimenary program / Open registration

The Preliminary Program of the 5th International Conference on Shared Parenting Live Online on “The Intersection of Shared Parenting and Family Violence” re-scheduled for 5-6 December, 2020 is now online, with fourteen hours of current, relevant plenary and workshop sessions livestreamed to you.

If you are a social science or socio-legal scholar, family lawyer, judge, legislator, mediator, policy maker, registered clinical counsellor, school principal, social worker, therapist, or someone else whose work impacts children and families, or a parent yourself, you will find meaningful information and thoughtful perspectives in the program which will be further updated.

Attend plenary sessions, choose from a cornucopia of 20-minute workshops, and watch moderated live discussions on this important and sensitive topic.

Speakers will examine the state of research in Shared Parenting, Family Violence, and Parental Alienation; examine innovative tools and assessments, social and cultural factors, possible interventions, and consider legal perspectives.

Attendance is free of charge and you may register now.

About the Organizers:
The International Council on Shared Parenting (ICSP) is an international association founded in 2014 with members drawn from scientific, family profession and civil society sectors. The purpose of the association is first, the dissemination and advancement of scientific knowledge on the needs and rights (“best interests”) of children whose parents are living apart, and second, to formulate evidence-based recommendations about the legal, judicial and practical implementation of shared parenting.
General Secretariat:

Pro memoria :

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