Vancouver 2020

International Council on Shared Parenting Press Release

International Council on Shared Parenting

Fifth International Conference on Shared Parenting
Announcement of Live Online Conference Dec 5-6, 2020

Due to the unprecedented world health situation, the International Council on Shared Parenting (ICSP) decided in early March to postpone its 5th International Conference on Shared Parenting scheduled for May 29 – June 1, 2020 in Vancouver. We have now rescheduled the conference to December 5-6, 2020, and have reformatted the event as a livestreamed online conference. The theme of the conference will remain the same: “The intersection of shared parenting and family violence.”

The event will be hosted by the University of British Columbia (UBC) School of Social Work.

The Scientific Co-Chairs of the conference, Dr. Edward Kruk and Dr. Jennifer Harman, regard the conference as a unique opportunity to engage online with the leading scientific experts and professional practitioners on shared parenting and family violence, and to examine the latest research and best practices in regard to the intersection of the two.

Mark your calendars to hear presenters, in real time, share scientific and practical information on a variety of topics such as differentiating between high conflict and family violence, and implications for shared parenting arrangements; evaluating the impact of shared parenting in the prevention of family violence; developing guidelines for family violence education and training of divorce practitioners helping families develop parenting plans after separation; developing screening procedures for family violence; establishing safety and specialized procedures when family violence has been or has the potential to be an issue of concern; and developing alternatives to shared parenting in the context of family violence.

Registration begins in September 2020.

For more conference information visit:

Deadline for the Second Call for Papers is June 30, 2020. Please note that if you have already submitted a presentation proposal for the original conference you will not have to do so again.

About the Organizers:
The International Council on Shared Parenting (ICSP) is an international association founded in 2014 with members drawn from scientific, family profession and civil society sectors. The purpose of the association is first, the dissemination and advancement of scientific knowledge on the needs and rights (“best interests”) of children whose parents are living apart, and second, to formulate evidence-based recommendations about the legal, judicial and practical implementation of shared parenting.
General Secretariat:

Pro memoria :

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