Revue de presse du 7 octobre 2019

Revue de presse

  • Ayad (Christophe), Bellier (Ulysse), Floc’h (Benoît), « La Manif pour tous contre la PMA pour toutes », Le Monde, nº 23247, 8 octobre 2019, p. 10.

  • Lescurieux (Romain), « On sait qu’on est seuls », 20 minutes, nº 3465, 7 octobre 2019, p. 4.

  • Roger (Jonathan), « Équité parentale ouvre une permanence », Dordogne libre, nº 22510, 7 octobre 2019.

Dordogne libre, nº 22510, 07/10/2019

Possédant une vaste expérience pratique dans les affaires d’aliénation parentale en droit de la famille, Francesca Wiley livre dans cet article un aperçu de l’état actuel du système judiciaire britannique en matière d’identification et de gestion de ces affaires. En voici quelques extraits :

« Increasing and very significant pressures on the courts, judges and professionals means the inevitable fact-finding hearings required in private law cases in order to demonstrate alienation, are routinely delayed (in the author’s experience, for as long as 2 years) whilst care cases and other urgent business takes priority. […]

« The consequences of this type of delay can be profound. Children aged 14, 15 and over can be extraordinarily difficult to reconnect with parents once influenced views are entrenched and hardened. If the court ultimately concludes the children are safer with the other parent and needs to proceed by way of residence transfer or other draconian order, there can be little point in continuing the litigation at this age. In some cases, the emotional harm is so profound that care proceedings and/or wardship are now being considered but it still proves too hard to reunite the absent parent.

« Expert psychological opinion also remains less than uniform as to how to resolve the problem. The recent creation of a European Association of Alienation Practitioners is a useful step to try to combat the same.


« Alienation cases are usually wholly unsuitable for arbitration (even under the new children arbitration scheme) as they can raise significant safeguarding and child-protection issues, which often require strong court orders and involvement of FPR 2010 r 16.4 guardians to independently represent the subject children, and on occasion the involvement of local authorities by way of care proceedings in order to reconstitute relationships with alienated parents.


« There has been a significant shift in the approach of the courts (at all tiers) to cases where alienation is ultimately identified. It remains however an arduous and oftentimes emotionally and financially exhausting endeavour for a parent to prove alienation and to obtain a remedy. The situation is complicated by a lack of family court judges and a lack of legal aid for proceedings and expert psychologists and other experts in the field.


« Very often psychological and psychiatric experts compare the emotional harm being occasioned to children as equivalent to physical harm such as the breaking of arms and legs although it is often said that physical injuries heal quicker than emotional ones. In terms of significant harm the impact on children in serious emotional abuse cases cannot be overstated […]. »

Xavier Couderc

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