Shared Parenting Conference Dec 2-3, Malaga, Spain

International Council on Shared Parenting Press Release

International Council on Shared Parenting

International Scientific Conference on Shared Parenting. December 2-3, 2019. Málaga, Spain

Informations en français

University of Málaga

School of Law of the University of Málaga 40th Anniversary

Organizers: International Council on Shared Parenting (ICSP) and the School of Law of Málaga University (UMA)

The International Scientific Conference on Shared Parenting will be held in Málaga, Spain on December 2nd-3rd, 2019 at the Aula Magna of the School of Law of the University of Málaga to celebrate its 40th Anniversary. The theme of the conference is: Best Interest of the Child and Shared Parenting.

This year’s guest country is the Philippines in order to build a bridge between the Western and the Asian cultures. The conference will present research results and professional practices from an interdisciplinary perspective (law, social science and psychology) on how vital both parents are in their children’s lives even after separation and divorce.

The conference language will be English, however, a simultaneous translation service Spanish-English will be available.

The following points will be the object of analysis:

  • Development of children under shared parenting after divorce or separation
  • Socioeconomic profile of shared parenting
  • Litigation after divorce or separation when a shared parenting measure has been imposed by a judge
  • Impact of shared parenting legal or judicial presumptions on the proportion of judgements that adopt this measure
  • Parental alienation and shared parenting
  • Models of shared parenting
  • Shared parenting in case of babies and toddlers
  • Shared parenting when the relations between the parents are strained

Free Registration

The registration is free – for inscription please use the registration form.


The deadline for sending abstracts is 30th October 2019. Please submit the abstract of your proposed paper via

Address: Facultad de Derecho. Campus de teatinos. Universidad de Málaga. 29071. Málaga. Spain

Scientific committee

  • Hildegund Sünderhauf. Family Law Professor. Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg. Germany
  • María Luisa Moreno-Torres. Professor of Civil Law. UMA
  • José Manuel de Torres Perea. Associate Professor of Civil Law. UMA
  • Yolanda de Lucchi López-Tapia. Associate Professor of Procedural Law. Universidad de Málaga. Spain
  • Martin Widrig. Civil Law Faculty Member. Friburg Universität. Switzerland
  • Edward Kruk. Associate Professor of Social Work. University of British Columbia
  • Lluis Flaquer. Emeritus Professor of Sociology. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Organizing Committee

  • Belén Casado Casado. Civil Law Lecturer. UMA
  • Paula Castaños Castro. Civil Law Lecturer. UMA
  • Ana María López Narbona. Sociology Lecturer. UMA
  • José Manuel Martín Fuster. Faculty Member. UMA
  • Jesús Martín Fuster. Faculty Member. UMA
The International Council on Shared Parenting (ICSP) is an international association with individual members from the sectors science, family professions and civil society.
The purpose of the association is first, the dissemination and advancement of scientific knowledge on the needs and rights (“best interests”) of children in Shared Parenting, and second, to formulate evidence-based recommendations about the legal, judicial and practical implementation of Shared Parenting.
General Secretariat:

Pro memoria :

Communiqué du 21 mai 2019.

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