April 25th – International Parental Alienation Awareness Day

Communiqué de World Parents Organization

April 25th – International Parental Alienation Awareness Day


In a Danish survey on parental alienation 330 parents, almost an equal number of men and women, which stated they have experienced parental alienation and/or false accusations answered a survey.

The survey was based on children in all age groups and an equal distribution between boys and girls. The survey and data is open and free to use.

The key challenge for children and parents today on the important and critical issue of parental alienation has to do with information and awareness, family law and too complex public handling of children cases.

The Nordic countries, as well as many other countries, are today living with gender equality in education, work and family life. However most countries still has a family law for historically reasons based on single parenting. This is already today causing major problems and concern for children and parents in general – and facilitates parental alienation that can occur for both fathers and mothers.

The survey on parental alienation and false accusation stated by the 330 parents shows:

  • The parent states they often hear the other parent talk badly about them when the child is present
  • That the parent involves the children in adult issues
  • 59% of the parents has experienced that the parent has tried to involve public authorizes
  • A large number of the parents state they have been falsely accused of violence towards the child and other parents
  • 70% of the parents state that family, friends and relatives has been involved in the parental alienation and false associations
  • 60% of the parents state that a lawyer has been directly or indirectly involved
  • 48% of the parents state they have experiences false police reports by the other parent
  • And almost all the parent state there was no consequences of the parental alienation and false accusations

On the issue of personal consequences of parental alienation and false accusations the parents state:

  • That the parental alienation and false accusation has mainly affected, majorly affected or catastrophically affected their trust in the authorities, relationship with their children and their social life, but also that the children’s wellbeing, other family relations, psychically health and the financial situation has been affected, majorly or catastrophically affected.
  • 68% state that the parenting time with their child has been decreased
  • 27% state that the parental alienation and false accusations has caused parent suicidal thoughts
  • 7% state that the parental alienation and false accusations has caused children suicidal thoughts
  • The parent state that the majority of time has been used by the social system and days of at work
  • 42% state that the cost for the parent has been up to 40.000 USD, 18% state that the cost has been up to 160.000 USD, and 5% state the cost for the parent has been more that 160.000 USD
  • The parents states that there has been major cost for society eg. School, social welfare, lawyers etc.
  • However, the main concern is that there is no consequences of parental alienation and false accusations in the society related to children.


World Parents Organization
Sauntesvej 40 · Gentofte 2820 · Denmark

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