Research Funding – Request for Proposals

Parental Alienation Study Group

The Research Committee of the Parental Alienation Study Group (PASG) invites members of PASG to submit proposals to conduct research regarding the clinical and legal management of high-conflict families, separation, and divorce.

General Research Theme

The ultimate goal of the research project should be to (1) provide guidance for individuals making recommendations and decisions regarding child contact, such as family court judges, mental health evaluators, and child protection workers and/or (2) provide insight for distinguishing justified from unjustified parental gate-keeping.

Specific Research Topics

There are a number of possible approaches for the proposed research. For example:

  • Many mental health professionals believe that shared parenting is beneficial for most children of divorced parents. However, under what circumstances is shared parenting less likely to be beneficial for the children?
  • Based on a review of the literature, what are the family circumstances in which parental contact restrictions should be recommended? For example: Nursing infants? Young children? Allegations of physical or sexual abuse? Allegations of alienating behaviors? High conflict between the parents?
  • Based on a review of the literature, what are the parental behaviors or attributes for which contact restrictions should be recommended? For example: Overly controlling, coercive parenting practices? Certain physical or mental illnesses? Addiction? Alienating behaviors? Neglect of the child? Exposure of the child to domestic violence? Failure to provide nurturance and effective discipline? Incarceration?
  • Based on a review of state laws with regard to termination of parental rights, what are the principles implicit in these decisions? Include information related to parental alienation.
  • Based on a review of state laws with regard to no-contact / supervised-contact / no-custody, what are the principles implicit in these decisions? Include information related to parental alienation.


For the research project that is selected, an initial grant of up to $10,000 will be provided. Based on the progress of the research project, an additional grant of up to $10,000 may be requested.


It is expected that this research project will result in one or more presentations at national or international conferences. Also, that the research will be reported in one or more articles in professional journals for mental health or legal professionals. When that occurs, it should be acknowledged that funding for the research came (in part) from Parental Alienation Study Group.

Components of Proposals

Proposals should include:

  • Name, address, and contact information for principal investigator (PI).
  • Academic affiliation and activities of PI.
  • Brief explanation for how the PI is appropriate and prepared to undertake this research project.
  • Overview of proposed research project, including: the general goals of the project; the hypotheses to be explored; the methods to be employed; and the expected results. Also, a brief statement as to how the proposed research will (1) provide guidance for individuals making recommendations and decisions regarding child contact and/or (2) provide insight for distinguishing justified from unjustified parental gate-keeping.
  • Proposed budget, including: salary support for PI and other personnel; fees associated with access to databases and other sources of information; office supplies; travel to make presentations at conferences; and costs associated with publication of papers. Funds from this research grant may not be used for capital purchases, such as computers, furniture, etc.
  • Current curriculum vitæ of PI.


The deadline for submission of proposals is December 1, 2019. One proposal will be selected to receive the funding. It is expected that the proposed research will occur during calendar year 2020.

Submission of Proposals

The contact person for this project is Mandy Matthewson, Ph.D., the chair of the PASG Research Committee. Proposals should be submitted to Dr. Matthewson at: mandy.matthewson[at]

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