Calling for Abstracts


Parental Alienation… bringing practice, science and law out of the fog will be held on the Gold Coast, Queensland, from 17th – 19th June, 2020.

Closing date for Abstracts: 15th December 2019


Parental Alienation Australia Ltd is calling for abstracts for individual research or professional practice papers. Please note that presentations are 20 minutes each including audience question time of 5 minutes.

Please provide the following information and submit your abstract to by midnight on the 15th December 2019.

Information to submit with abstract:

  • Names of authors:
  • Name of presenter:
  • Title of paper: (no more than 12 words)
  • Abstract: (no more that 250 words)
  • Presenter biography: (no more than 250 words)
  • Contact Email:
  • Contact Phone Number:

Abstracts who do not conform to the word limits will not be considered. Late abstracts will not be considered.

Aim of Conference

We are delighted to announce our second conference with the theme Parental Alienation: Bringing Practice, Science and the Law out of the Fog. Building on the success of our last conference where parental alienation was presented as family violence, our second conference aims to provide mental health and legal practitioners with information, skills and techniques for working with families and individuals experiencing parental alienation.

Matters involving parental alienation are complex. They can leave the most experienced and skilled practitioner uncertain about the best course of action. At the Parental Alienation: Bringing Practice, Science and the Law conference we will be providing keynote speakers and workshops focused on the latest evidence based practices in response to parental alienation. Delegates will be provided with the skills they need to help them navigate their work with these complex matters. There will be a variety of presentations and workshops that include skills-based activities that can be translated immediately into clinical and legal practice.

This conference is for mental health and legal practitioners as well as researchers in the field.

There will also be workshops dedicated to individuals experiencing parental alienation. These workshops will provide important up-to-date information about parental alienation and how to better respond to and cope with it.

We look forward to welcoming you to our conference and please save the dates 17th – 19th June, 2020.

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