Parental Alienation Study Group International Conference – Brussels, Belgium – September 2020

Communication du Parental Alienation Study Group

Parental Alienation Study Group International Conference

Update, 20/05/2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the PASG 2020 prevention-themed conference in Belgium has been moved into 2021. More information will be distributed once it becomes available.

Update, 12/07/2020. New Dates for PASG Conference in Belgium: 22–23 April 2021

After the conclusion of the PASG 2019 conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Board of Directors invited Parental Alienation Study Group members to submit proposals for PASG 2020. It was announced that PASG 2020 would take place somewhere outside of North America. Rather quickly, the Board received proposals from Australia, Austria, Belgium, India, Israel, the Netherlands, and Trinidad and Tobago.

At a recent meeting of the Board, it was decided that PASG 2020 will occur in Brussels, Belgium, during September 2020. The general chairman of the event will be Olivier Vanhaelen, who will be assisted by Marie-France Carlier, Nick Child, Silvia Danowski-Reetz, Amy J. L. Baker, and many others. Additional details will be announced in the January 2020 issue of Parental Alienation International. Also, as information becomes available, it will be posted on the website for the conference, which is Check it out!

In the meantime, Parental Alienation Study Group members should consider submitting an abstract to the PASG 2020 Program Committee. The possibilities include individual presentations, panel discussions, and symposiums (that is, several presentations on related topics). The official call for papers will occur in December and abstracts will be accepted between early January and March 1, 2020.

Mise à jour du 4 décembre 2019

As previously announced, PASG 2020 will occur in Brussels, Belgium, during September 2020.

However, we also want to start making plans for PASG 2021. Our general plan is that the meeting can occur in any country. That is, it could be in North America or is could be anywhere else. Most of our conferences have occurred in September and October.

Parental Alienation Study Group members are invited to send written proposals for PASG 2021 to William Bernet. The deadline for submitting a proposal for PASG 2021 is December 31, 2019.

Include the following information in the proposal: possible dates for the conference; location, i.e., a specific city; an explanation for selecting that location; the overall theme of the conference; a general plan for how the presentations and other activities will be organized; some of the presentations that you hope to include; and how the media might interact with this event. Also, include a rough budget for the conference including: anticipated number of paid registrants; proposed registration fees for professionals, parents, students, etc.; the prospect of sponsorships by individuals, organizations, businesses, and government agencies; and a break-down of anticipated expenses.

Mise à jour du 11 janvier 2020

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