21st Century Fathers conference

Communiqué du Fatherhood Institute

Fatherhood Institute

Help us celebrate our 20th birthday…

Join us at our 21st Century Fathers conference

Hands-on dads: we know how important they are… we know they’re out there… but how can we best support them?

The Fatherhood Institute has been advocating for involved fathers since 1999, and to mark our 20th birthday we’ve organised 21st Century Fathers: Creating the Space for Involved Fatherhood: a national conference for anyone with a professional interest in dads.

Catch up with the latest research from around the world… take part in stimulating workshops with world-class policymakers and practitioners… hear from the new generation of dad activists…

Amongst others, 21st Century Fathers will feature:

There will also be sessions on Fathers in the Workplace and Dads and Daughters, with contributions from the Fawcett Society and Women in Sport.

Book your ticket now!

21st Century Fathers will take place on 23 May at the Abbey Conference Centre in central London (nearest tube Westminster).

Spaces are selling fast so don’t miss out. See you there!


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